Simultaneous translation of medical events in Brazil
Simultaneous translation of medical events in Brazil, contact Vivian Haynes 11 9 9934 4647, telephone and WhatsApp. We interpret medical events throughout the country, we have specialized interpreters.
We worked this week at a very interesting event about breast reconstruction, either because the woman wants to increase or decrease her breasts, or because she had a malignant tumor and now needs surgery of this type.

Simultaneous translation of medical events in Brazil
We learned the different techniques available for this type of surgery and there are also different implants. We also saw surgeries to reduce the size of breasts, which are less common. The reconstruction is done using the dorsal muscle or abdominal musculature. It can also be done with a tissue expander. The interpreters for this medical event were Flavia Egner, Anna Maria Franco and Vivian Haynes and the congress lasted for 3 days. Luckily plastic surgery has evolved a lot, rescuing this symbol of femininity.
Breast reconstruction is a type of plastic surgery that is usually done on women who have had to perform mastectomy, which is the removal of the breast, due to breast cancer. Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that aims to give a new breast to mastectomized women, considering the size, shape and appearance of the breasts, to improve their self-esteem, self-confidence and quality of life.
The main objective of this surgery is to leave the breasts symmetrical and with similar sizes, if only one breast has been removed, for example. For this, there are two main types of breast reconstruction:
Implants, which consists of placing a silicone implant under the skin, simulating the natural shape of the breast;
In another type of procedure, skin and fat are removed from the abdominal region to use in the region of the breasts and reconstruct them. In some cases, flaps of the legs or back may also be used if there is not enough tissue.
The type of reconstruction should be discussed with the physician and varies according to the woman’s goals, the type of mastectomy performed, and the cancer treatments she undertook.
In many cases, if it has not been possible to preserve the nipples during the mastectomy, the woman may choose to try to rebuild them 2 or 3 months after the breast reconstruction or she may also choose to leave the breast volume with smooth skin and no nipples. This is because reconstruction of the nipples is a very complex process that must be done by a surgeon with great skill and experience.
The congress was held at the WTC World Trade Center in Sao Paulo (Sheraton Hotel of S Paulo) with the presence of British, American, Portuguese and Italian doctors.
Simultaneous translation of medical events in Brazil
Call 11 9 9934 4647 and speak to Vivian
Interpreters for Medical Events in Brazil
Healthtech and Covid-19: the future of Health. Listen to us doing the simultaneous translation of this important medical interview.
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