Interpreters Philosophy for Brazil
Professional Interpreters had the pleasure of translating philosopher Ken Wilber in an unprecedented event in Brazil. For the past 30 years, we have witnessed historical changes: all the cultures of the world are now available to us. In the past, if you were born, say a Chinese, you probably spent all your life in that culture, often in a province, sometimes in a home, living and loving and dying on a small piece of land. But today, not only are people geographically mobile, they can study, and have studied, virtually all known cultures on the planet. In the global village, all cultures are now exposed to each other. Interpreters Philosophy for Brazil, if you need simultaneous translation for any type of event, phone Vivian, WhatsApp 55 11 9 9934 4647.
Knowledge itself is now global. This means that, also for the first time, the sum total of human knowledge is available to us, the knowledge, experience, wisdom and reflections of all great civilizations are open to be studied by anyone.
What if we put together all the various cultures have to tell us about the potential for spiritual, human, psychological, and social growth and put everything on the table? How to use all the great traditions of the world to create a composite map, a comprehensive map, an all-inclusive map or integral that includes the best elements of them all?
Does it seem complicated, complex, scary? In a sense it is. But in another sense, the results turn out to be surprisingly simple and elegant. Over the last few decades, there has been extensive research to achieve a comprehensive map of human potentialities. This map uses all systems and growth models from the ancient shamans and sages to today’s known advances in cognitive science and divides its main components into 5 simple factors, factors that are the essential elements or keys to unlock and facilitate human evolution. This is the integral model!
We could tell in this post what these 5 simple factors are, but we prefer to leave the reader curious to carry out their own research. You will be amazed! The event was packed and learning this philosophy was special for us interpreters. We loved Ken Wilber!
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