The city of Porto Alegre has approximately 1.5 million people, according to the latest IBGE survey taken in 2018. In other words, it is a huge city that has a lot of culture, economic power, and of course, it is one of the great cities to hold important events. And where there are events, there is a need to hire professional interpreters. For interpreters in Porto Alegre, with many successful events, contact us.
Our company offers solutions for simultaneous translation in Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and we have worked hard in the city over the years.
Interpreters in Porto Alegre; success stories
We participated in the first World Social Forum which was held in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The program comprised 420 workshops organized by the participating entities, as well as seminars, 16 conferences, 22 lectures and several other cultural activities.

We also did interpreting for Bayer CropScience and Bayer Medical department at the Hotel Saint Raphael in the center of the city.
We participated in the Week of the Indigenous Peoples and the Book Week. In December we worked translating a border control course for 69 police officers from all over the country; we stayed at the Sheraton Hotel and worked at the headquarters of the Secretariat of Public Security.
Are you organizing an event? Check out these venues in Porto Alegre
We have interpreters who do simultaneous translation in Porto Alegre working in several languages, for the most diverse types of events; events attract foreigners, whether as participants or speakers.
If you are an event planner, in addition to needing good interpreters, it is a good idea to check out these local venues for events.
• FIERGS Events Center
• Center of Events of the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – CEPUC
• Conference Center Plaza São Rafael Hotel
• AMRIGS Event Center
• Theater
• Barra Shopping Sul Events Center
• Bourbon Country Theater
• Praia de Belas Shopping
• Conference Center – Theater CIEERS
• Hall of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS
• Event Center Casa do Gaúcho
We are based in São Paulo and work everywhere in Brazil. We have a specialized team to attend you in several languages, doing simultaneous translation. If you are looking for a translation company in Porto Alegre, please contact our specialized team.
Translation services, how much does it cost?
What is the price of simultaneous translation? How much does simultaneous translation cost in Brazil? Click to find out…..This is one of the most important questions for those looking for trained professionals. When the company is serious, the cost x benefit compensates. The interpreters fees are based on translators union (SINTRA) suggestions, check out simultaneous translation porto alegre fees, and look up SUDESTE at the bottom of the page. Fees for simultaneous translation in Brazil
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