Mandarin interpreter in Brazil – Chinese translators for your event
Mandarin interpreters in Brazil gain more and more space in the market and the reason is only one: good relations between Brazil and China attract new businesses to the country, events, meetings and congresses take place and the Chinese visit Brazil more often. China is Brazil’s largest trading partner and this was further extended after the Brazilian President visited the Asian country, signing several new agreements.
Contact Vivian on WhatsApp 55 11 9 9934 4647 and request a quote for the Mandarin job you need; send the dates, hours, if it is a job that requires a booth or if it is to accompany an individual or group, for how many people you need headsets and what languages are needed; Portuguese, English and Mandarin?
The demand for Mandarin interpreters is high, especially for events held in São Paulo. This is because the Chinese prefer to speak Mandarin rather than English; moreover, few Chinese speak good English or Portuguese.
The dangers in choosing the wrong interpreter

Mandarin interpreter in Brazil
A lot of care must be taken when hiring a Mandarin interpreter because it is a complicated language, there are difficult terms for translation into Portuguese and when it involves simultaneous translation, the professional should have vast experience in the profession.
The high demand for Chinese translators may be recent, but the service has been offered for quite some time. As demand is currently high, new translators and interpreters of Mandarin are surfacing on the market to meet the growing demand. This is a challenge, because when hiring inexperienced interpreters, the company runs the risk of offering a poor translation service and the risk is even greater in cases of business travel and working with delegations, which involve negotiations with the Chinese.
Check out our LinkedIn profile by clicking on this link Interpreters – Simultaneous Translation for Brazil
A few tips: first tip; what is the interpreter’s experience?
It is crucial that you choose a company that has been on the market for a long time, research the interpreter and the work he/she has already done.
Our company has been working with simultaneous interpretation for a long time. Vivian Haynes has been doing this since year 2000. She has attended numerous companies, working with simultaneous translation both in Brazil and other countries. Check out some of the companies attended; the list is long, we mention only a few companies here:
- Active Brazil – Software, Consulting and Training;
- Bacardi-Martini of Brazil Industry and Commerce
- Bayer S / A
- OAB – London
- Suzano Petroquímica
- Philips do Brasil
- Volkswagen
- Getúlio Vargas Foundation
- University of São Paulo (Philosophy, Geography, Dentistry, Economics among other faculties)
- Morgan Stanley
- Chinese and Brazilian banks
The second tip is: what languages does Intérpretes Profissionais offer?
Intérpretes Profissionais offers simultaneous interpreting in several languages and has partnerships with interpreters in almost every state in Brazil. It also has a local team and interpreter partners to attend the most varied languages and simultaneous or consecutive interpretation required by the market.
For a Mandarin interpreter in Brazil, check out WhatsApp at 11 9 9934 4647 and speak to Vivian Haynes; she will reply almost immediately.
The company offers the same service in several other languages, such as Russian, Turkish, Japanese, German, French, Spanish and Arabic. These languages are not so common, it is a challenge to find efficient translators, but fortunately we rely on high level professionals to meet our needs.
After the Covid-19 pandemic the interpreters for simultaneous translation in Brazil have been working remotely, with excellent results, using platforms such as Zoom, Kudo, Interprenet and others.
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