Simultaneous translation for workshops in Brazil

Our company, Intérpretes Profissionais specializes in simultaneous translation for workshops in Brazil; we were responsible for the interpretation of a very interesting workshop this year, about HERBOLOGY, at Hotel Vitória in the small town of Indaiatuba, state of São Paulo.

As you may know, Herbology means the study of herbs; is very important because there are a number of weeds that disrupt main crops like soy, cotton and corn and it is important to fight them, without allowing them to become resistant. The word Herbology is formed from two distinct radicals, one of Greek origin and the other of Latin, so we have a word formed in a hybrid fashion, that is, from the derivational words of antagonistic languages. The Greek root “logia” means “study,” and “herbi“, of Latin origin, means “herb.”

Unfortunately the number of resistant plants has increased a lot lately. The workshop discussed ways of preventing resistance, such as the correct handling of herbicides, the rotation of products used and mixtures of different formulas. We also saw studies of various types of caterpillars that attack our plants. Simultaneous translation for workshops in Brazil; the simultaneous interpretation in Brazil for this event was taken care of by our team. It ensured the quality of communication among all those present. Learn how simultaneous translation works at events. Click on Events in São Paulo with simultaneous translation.

Simultaneous translation for workshops in Brazil

Simultaneous translation for workshops in Brazil

Resistant plants in corn in the photo

How simultaneous translation works at events in Brazil

Simultaneous Translation Brazil

And what is Medicinal herbology? It is the use of natural herbs, plants, and botanical knowledge to medically treat people. This practice of using fresh plants, extracts or spices, herbs, and other naturally found growing elements across the world theoretically does not differ much from today’s medical practices. It is a very interesting subject and some day we hope to be interpreters of a medicinal herbology event. The future will tell……